Thinking Outside the COVID-19 Box: 10 Ways to Boost Immune Function

Over the past 18 months, I’ve heard a lot about masking, hand washing, and social distancing to protect yourself and others from coronavirus. Sadly, I’ve also heard about many immunocompromised people dying from the virus. But I haven’t heard top health officials talk much about boosting immune function. Have you? Doesn’t it make sense thatContinue reading “Thinking Outside the COVID-19 Box: 10 Ways to Boost Immune Function”

Micro of the Macro, Explained

Humans are a part of the biological system called Nature. Mother Earth, all living things, every mountain, drop of water, and grain of sand are made of the same elements that we are, and together, we exist within the same Universal Fabric. Quantum physics shows this Universal Fabric, even the part we see as empty space, to be conscious and interdependent.

Six Quick Fixes for Cabin Fever

For the past month, I have worked hard on staying in the present moment. I haven’t allowed myself to dwell on how long coronavirus may continue, how much worse things might get, or what consequences the shut-down of the country could have on life as we know it. I have fallen into a new, comfortableContinue reading “Six Quick Fixes for Cabin Fever”

Thinking Outside the COVID-19 Box: 10 Ways to Boost Immune Function

I’ve heard a lot about hand washing and social distancing over the past few weeks to prevent the spread of coronavirus. I have also heard about immunocompromised people dying from the virus. But I haven’t heard the first newscaster discuss the concept of boosting immune function. Have you? Doesn’t it make sense that we shouldContinue reading “Thinking Outside the COVID-19 Box: 10 Ways to Boost Immune Function”