Where Have All Our Bird Friends Gone?

We were away for the majority of last month, and although I filled the bird feeder before leaving, I was surprised to find it half-full upon my return.  (Normally, between the birds and squirrels, the feeder is emptied within 3-4 days’ time.)  Even more surprisingly, I’ve seen a total of only 5 birds in ourContinue reading “Where Have All Our Bird Friends Gone?”

Wildflowers: Resilience, Beauty and Grace

All living creatures interact with wildflowers whether they know it or not. For 130 million years, wildflowers have blessed the earth with their amazing skill sets and stunning beauty . . .

Tough Love

Warning: this is not my typical post.  It may be hard to read.  It was certainly difficult to write.  I don’t want to believe what I’m about to share.  But I do.  I must.  We all must. Global warming is changing us.  We occasionally recognize it in the form of severe flooding, a killer heatContinue reading “Tough Love”

What Do You Mean “Holistic?”

If you are a tag reader like I am, you may have noticed all my posts include the word holistic. You may understand the concept, but my idea of it encompasses more than what’s normally considered.  For that reason, I’d like to take the opportunity to explain.  First, I want to share a definition fromContinue reading “What Do You Mean “Holistic?””

Healing Made Simple

I recently listened to a podcast in which Dr. Zach Bush, an MD specializing in internal medicine, endocrinology and hospice care, was interviewed.  The subject was healing the mind, body, & spirit, and Dr. Bush, who is also well-versed on the role of soil and water ecosystems in human genomics, addressed it with his typicalContinue reading “Healing Made Simple”

5 Merits of Wonder

Mystery creates wonder and wonder is the basis of man’s desire to understand. ~Neil Armstrong Earlier this week, I was watching Dr. Gay Hendricks, psychologist, body-mind therapist, & author of over 40 books, in an interview, and the concept of wonder came up.  Human beings thrive on wonder, he said, and gave examples of hisContinue reading “5 Merits of Wonder”

Six Science-Backed Reasons to Get Outside

Did you enjoy spending time outside as a kid? I did. As a matter of fact, I don’t remember spending much time inside. I loved playing outdoors with pets we had over the years, including lots of dogs and cats, a couple rabbits, and a rooster that I treated like a baby. I enjoyed ridingContinue reading “Six Science-Backed Reasons to Get Outside”

Nature’s Supreme Design

Is it your facethat adorns the garden?Is it your fragrancethat intoxicates this garden? Is it your spiritthat has made this brooka river of wine?Hundreds have looked for you and died searchingin this gardenwhere you hide behind the scenes.But this pain is not for those who come as lovers.You are easy to find here. You areContinue reading “Nature’s Supreme Design”

Scenes from a Hiking Trail

Are you looking for a little family adventure while you’re not yet comfortable with a return to full-on traveling? Maybe finding a new trail to hike in Nature’s exquisite surroundings can satisfy that yearning while inspiring a little awe.  From prior posts, you know that I love hiking, and I thought it’d be fun toContinue reading “Scenes from a Hiking Trail”

Water: The Miraculous Molecule

For a substance that seems so simple, there appears to be no end to the functions and benefits of water.  Many have written about it through the ages, including poets, artists, explorers, statesmen, philosophers, and spiritual leaders. They’ve addressed water as our source, as the driving force in Nature, and as a metaphor for theContinue reading “Water: The Miraculous Molecule”