The Wilderness Connection

I’ve just finished reading Scott Stillman’s book Wilderness: The Gateway to the Soul.  It evokes many of the feelings and musings I experienced while exploring the wilds of this country.  I realize now that the words I’ve used in describing my 3-year experience (of road tripping, tent camping, hiking, photographing natural beauty, and finding myContinue reading “The Wilderness Connection”

The Amazing Science of Grounding

Through the years, I’ve written a lot about the healing powers of Nature.  In Escaping Normal, I shared how my experience of spending many months exploring areas of natural beauty rehabilitated me from burn-out and loss, bringing me back to life.  The Waterfall Effect outlined a number of health benefits of natural crashing natural waters. Continue reading “The Amazing Science of Grounding”

Working Toward Oneness: Meditation

After a 14-year hiatus, I have reestablished a daily meditation practice.  It  is part of a deep Ayurvedic cleanse I’m doing, and its purpose is to release stored emotions. After only 3 weeks, I’m already experiencing positive results; I no longer feel the stress of getting things done at a hurried pace.  My daily modeContinue reading “Working Toward Oneness: Meditation”

What Do You Mean “Holistic?”

If you are a tag reader like I am, you may have noticed all my posts include the word holistic. You may understand the concept, but my idea of it encompasses more than what’s normally considered.  For that reason, I’d like to take the opportunity to explain.  First, I want to share a definition fromContinue reading “What Do You Mean “Holistic?””

Could This Be the Way to World Peace?

Surrender is faith that the power of love can accomplish anything… even when you cannot foresee the outcome. ~Deepak Chopra Recently, spiritual surrender has been a recurring theme in my life.  At  Unity of Ocala, Florida, my friend Rev. Lauri shared her story of the challenges that led to her living a surrendered life.  Dr. Betty,Continue reading “Could This Be the Way to World Peace?”