Earth Rocks!

Big Sur’s rocky coastline

Wikipedia defines rock as any naturally occurring solid mass or aggregate of minerals that form the Earth’s outer solid layer, the crust, and most of its interior.  In my opinion, that’s a really boring description of a natural element that contains such diverse beauty!

I didn’t used to be a fan of rock, simply because I’d never witnessed its incredible shapes and colors.  But after exploring some of the prettiest areas in the country, I’m all about it!  

One of my first glimpses of unusual rocks was on the rocky shore of a hidden beach in Big Sur, California.  Having spent most of my life in Florida, where flat beaches feature eateries, bars, volleyball courts, and hotels, I was amazed by these natural giants on the sand.

Hiking through Sedona

The unusual red-orange rocks of Sedona, Arizona were among the next I visited.  I can still remember driving this stunning stretch of the state for the first time.  The area is a showcase for weathered rocky terrain, given all kinds of fun names like Coffeepot Rock, Snoopy Rock, and Battleship Rock.  The beauty of hiking its trails cannot be sufficiently described or photographed – it should be experienced.

The Grand Canyon in northern Arizona has quite the story.  Over eons, the Colorado River, rain, and wind have eroded its multi-colored rock to a present state of 277 miles long, 18 miles in width at its widest point, and a little over one mile deep.  Hiking the canyon is epic but can be super hot, so best not done during summer.

Antelope Canyon

Slot canyons are another distinctive natural wonder in northern Arizona, with Antelope Canyon on the Navajo Reservation being at the top of my list.  The elegant rock formations shaped by flash floods throughout the canyon are like nothing else I’ve seen.  (Stormy days are not recommended for exploring slot canyons!)

Hoodoos at Bryce

The Painted Desert, near Petrified Forest National Park in Arizona, is a treasure to behold, as well.  These badlands feature banded rocks of red, grey, white, and shades of lavender, depending on their mineral compositions.

Balanced rock at Arches National Park

The orange landscape of Southern Utah includes places like Arches, Zion, and Bryce National Parks with incredible displays of the work of Nature’s elements over time.  True to its name, Arches has over 2000 natural arches, but also strangely balanced rocks and lots of tall, oddly-shaped pinnacles.  Zion’s huge composites of multi-colored sandstone make it a wonderland.  And Bryce has the largest collection of hoodoos (irregular rock columns) on the planet.  In addition to being an outdoor person’s paradise, Moab, just south of Arches, features some amazing pictographs and petroglyphs.

Rock art in Southern Utah

In sharing some of my favorite rocks, I hope I’ve spurred your sense of adventure.  The solid mass that makes up our planet is creatively formed and colored, making it something very special to behold.

Composite Blessings,


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36 thoughts on “Earth Rocks!

  1. You showcased some of my favorite places in the west. What’s not to love about rocks!🌵 I grew up in the Midwest (flatlander) and once I discovered the west, I was hooked and haven’t looked back.

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  2. Needless to say I was banging my head to the “rock” ha. Kidding aside, I also find rocks very intriguing and have had the pleasure of visiting many of those places you mentioned – Although I almost bit it bad at Zion on their slick sandstone one winter day, One place we have not been yet is the Sedona area – if are plans stay true we hope to explore that area next year and excited about the interesting rock formations you mentioned. Now back to cranking my stereo hehehe.

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