Hydration – Does It Really Matter?

It’s a glorious, sunny day here in Arizona.  But it’s dry.  Always dry.  As much as I dislike the humidity of the East Coast and the South, the dry cold (and heat) is a challenge for me as well.  So as I write, I’m hydrating by drinking a huge breakfast smoothie made with lots of fruits, veggies, & coconut water.  

Due to unfavorable experiences brought about by exercising in this climate, I have in recent years taken a deep dive into the science of hydration.  During college, I read Dr. F. Batmanghelidj’s Your Body’s Many Cries for Water, and it made a lasting impression, with information on how chronic dehydration can result in high cholesterol, high blood pressure, pain, asthma, allergies, etc.  However, since I hadn’t heard anything in the media or read other books supporting these ideas, I concluded that the body’s need for hydration couldn’t possibly be that critical.  Otherwise, we’d all know about it.  Right? 

Wrong. Decades of studying human health has taught me that much of the information we most need is not very publicized or, if it does happen to make a media appearance, a campaign of propaganda is often initiated to cause us to believe otherwise. Many times this is done in the name of profit, and usually to the detriment of our health and environment.  Or, the propaganda has been around for a lifetime and it’s really difficult to believe anything different.  (Prime examples include the myths that we should all eat a high-protein diet and that dairy is essential for healthy teeth and bones.)  Dehydration creates a great many problems in the human body, driving the need for pharmaceuticals, a trillion dollar industry.

You may have read other posts I’ve shared touching on why proper hydration is such a big deal. Our body is composed of more than 2/3 water. Each one of the mind-boggling number of cellular processes that occur within us requires water, according to Dr. Gerald Pollack, at the University of Washington’s Pollack Lab. Hydration influences our abilities to remember & feel energized, our cells’ capacity to clear debris vs. generate inflammation, and our power of creativity. (Check out my post Water: The Miraculous Molecule for more on these benefits.) It is essential for strong immunity, youthful aging, and proper cellular communication. It works to space blood cells, assisting with heart and kidney functions. It helps with elimination. And due to the fact that hydration helps the body run more efficiently, it also assists with weight loss.

Dr. Zach Bush, a triple board-certified physician, says that virtually all of us are chronically dehydrated.  Pretty strong assertion, right?  At his clinic in Virginia, he offers a device called a Phase Angle that measures the ability of cells to hold an electrical charge, which translates into an individual’s hydration level.  Dr. Bush says typically, a patient’s results are less than 7 on a scale that tops out at 10, even those considered healthy.  His cancer patients generally show a result of 4.5 or less, and those scoring nearer the 3.5 mark are usually close to death.  And improvement is not something that happens quickly.  A full year of committed lifestyle changes may increase your score by only 1/2 point.  For me, this brings the importance of proper daily hydration to the forefront.  Does it change your thinking?

My understanding of proper hydration has been broadened by listening to The Hydration Solution Summit from the Hydration Foundation and reading the book Quench: Beat Fatigue, Drop Weight, and Heal Your Body Through the New Science of Optimum Hydration coauthored by the podcast host, Gina Bria, and Dana Cohen, MD.  Interestingly, Bria is an anthropologist who has studied desert dwellers to learn their hydration secrets. The lessons from the podcast and the book are most practical, like the fact that (most) fruits & some vegetables like celery & cucumbers are more hydrating than plain water; fresh lemon juice and/or Himalayan salt added to water mineralizes it, making it easier for our cells to absorb; and placing your water in a glass in direct sunlight supercharges it, upping its hydration capacity. The eight glasses of plain water a day that most of us believe we need is no longer the best recommendation, Bria says. This is due to decades of heavy chemical exposure and tap water being forced through less than ideal city water systems & home pipes.  

Staying on top of your hydration needs is one of the best things you can do to assist your body with optimal function. If you’re suffering with health issues, there’s a good chance that getting and staying hydrated will help you feel better. You can’t always assume the media will share the health info that truly benefits you & your family. Don’t sell your health short: hydrate and thrive!

Blessings for Hydration,


The original version of this post, entitled Hydration – No Really, was my first-ever blog post on WordPress, back in March of 2020. Thank you for reading (and if you’re reading for a second time, thank you for sticking around!)

The content of this article is for educational and informational purposes only, and is not intended as medical advice. Please consult with a qualified health care professional before acting on any information presented herein. Any statements about the possible health benefits of any subject discussed have not been evaluated by medical professionals or the Food & Drug Administration and are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease or illness.

85 thoughts on “Hydration – Does It Really Matter?

  1. With my endurance hobby, hydration is prime directive – got expensive rides to the hospital when I let it slip to the danger level. With all that I do to stay on top of it, it is still a struggle to keep the right balance and I am sure an element of life commonly overlooked with those not privy to painful experiences. Thanks for the healthy reminder.

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Hi, B, it’s a struggle for me, as well. I’m always hyper-conscious of it, and always wondering if those climbing, hiking, & cycling without water are unaware or if their bodies just don’t require as much as mine. Good to hear you succeeded at your run and you can get some well-deserved rest now. Have a great week! 🌞

      Liked by 1 person

  2. Great post. I live near the Rockies in Alberta, Canada and it is really dry here too. You really notice the difference when you spend time in a more humid state or province. I’m always drinking water, and moisturizing my skin!

    Liked by 2 people

  3. Good morning, Lisa! Thank you for writing such wonderful information. I always enjoy reading your articles because they are always interesting and educational. You always give information to help us understand things. I look forward to reading what you post. You are one of a kind. God bless you. Have a wonderful day, and stay safe.

    Liked by 2 people

  4. A timely reminder as, yes, I did read your previous post about this but my drinking of water has gone back to my old levels! Right! Starting right now, I’m going to get back on track with a glass of cool water. Over a year ago this county had problems with a “bloom” in the water of Lough Neagh and we were told that the water was still safe to drink even though it was a grey colour! 🥴 At that time I bought a jug filter system and whilst the tap water may no longer suffer from greyness, we still use the filter for drinking water. Thanks, Lisa for this update. Enjoy your weekend 💐🙋‍♂️

    Liked by 2 people

  5. On our recent 5-day hike in the mountains, we realised once again how important it is to stay hydrated! We had to climb a lot of rocks and concentrate not to injure ourselves … and then, suddenly when I started to stumble over smaller rocks, I realised I had I had not drank any water for some time. And then, the moment I drank water, my concentration were back (as were my energy levels).
    Your post it such a great reminder of why we need to stay hydrated!

    Liked by 2 people

  6. I start most mornings with a glass of warm water with lemon juice and I often make ginger water with lemon. Love both and they make drinking water more interesting. Because the water softener in our rental adds sodium, my husband’s doctor said he shouldn’t drink it, so we get our water from Costco. If we didn’t, the tea I make every day wouldn’t taste very good!

    Liked by 2 people

  7. Great piece, Lisa, and important information. I’ve not been much of a water drinker and have dealt with dehydration because of that. For awhile I was experiencing very low blood pressure and dizziness when I stood up. I began to do some research and came to realize that it was dehydration causing it. I now keep a 24 ounce glass of water by my bed and before I get out of bed in the morning, I drink it all. I also drink more later. This morning habit has made a difference in how I feel, my energy and blood pressure.

    Liked by 2 people

  8. I have a heart condition, and I always know when I haven’t had enough water because my heart starts beating irregularly. When I drink more water, it corrects itself. They used to tell us to drink eight glasses of water a day, then they kind of reversed that. A doctor told me that we have a lot of people with kidney problems in my part of Arizona because people don’t drink enough water. Great post! A great reminder.

    Liked by 2 people

  9. Very helpful post, Lisa. As people grow older, dehydration becomes more of a problem. My mother in her later years sometimes experienced dehydration that caused mental confusion, a common problem in elderly people. Very often, I am unaware that I am becoming dehydrated, so I must make a conscious effort to stay hydrated. 🙂 Thanks for the tips! have a great week!

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Hi, Cheryl, indeed, as we age, we do struggle more with dehydration. When I worked with a local hospice organization, our female facility patients were always getting UTIs due to improper hydration. Because our brains shrink, even when slightly short of water, we are subject to confusion, memory loss, and sometimes Alzheimer’s. How awesome is it that we can control these problems with something so simple! Thanks for sharing your experiences. Blessings to you, my friend. 🌞

      Liked by 1 person

  10. This is an incredible post Lisa with the latest info which I would love to share in my next newsletter if it’s ok? I’m sitting drinking my lemon water with honey as we speak and beet juice at it’s side. On good days I do that which should be daily, Your points are so well taken and so many of these health issues are exactly because of this. Then there is so much information out their that is half baked. Thanks or a great reminder as I’ve been on the coffee a.m. and wine p.m. train.. (shhhh don’t tell my clients hahahah). I’m guilty as charged at times but make up for it.., hugs and love sweet Lisa gurlie!🤗🤣🤣 and smiles of course🤗🤗❤️🤣😘😘

    Liked by 1 person

      1. awesome dear, thanks a lot. I usually don’t but link my NL to my blog at times. Happy to sent it over to you … I KNOOOOOOW! I know everything lol. Well not everything but I am about 90 compliant.. good enough 💖

        Liked by 2 people

  11. I am unable to digest fiber (long story) so I drink LOTS of water
    We live in the country and filter our well water. After two years my blood pressure is lower,my insides work fine and I have excellent energy. So you are right hydration matters.

    Liked by 2 people

  12. Hi Lisa 🙂 Great article!! It is so important to our health. I am one who experiences dehydration fairly extremely. I have had to go to the ER to have a few bags of fluid IV! I find it hard to get enough at times so thanks for the info!
    Hope all is well and that the new week is full of good things!

    Liked by 2 people

  13. Reding your blog was so informative. How well researched this is to know the sheer importance of something so basic yet important like hydration to solve even chronic diseases like asthma and help in asthma treatment.

    Great read!

    Liked by 1 person

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