The Dazzling Blogger Award

The Dazzling Blogger Award, designed by Helen at Crispy Confessions, recognizes bloggers who excel in at least one major area of blogging: writing skills, engagement, social media marketing, or content. A big thank you to my friend Suzanne at Happily Decluttered, who has honored me with a nomination.

Suzanne is super-organized and shares tips to help the rest of us reach that pinnacle. In addition to loads of practical ideas, her writing is brimming with love for her family and Nature. She does a monthly Happiness Highlights post that demonstrates what a rich life she is creating. I urge you to visit her site, and let her know I sent you!

Dazzling view of Big Sur

The Official Rules of The Dazzling Blogger Award

  1. Thank the person who nominated you for the award & link back to their site.
  2. Provide a link back to Helen, the award’s designer.
  3. Answer the seven questions asked.
  4. Compose seven questions of your own.
  5. Nominate & notify seven more people.

Suzanne’s Questions

  1. What is your favorite hobby and how did you get started?

Creating new dishes in the kitchen.  I seldom prepare the same meals, and I’m always on the lookout for new ideas.  I think this originated during the many months I worked in the kitchens of Esalen, Omega, and Ratna Ling, all holistic retreat centers.

Black beans, rice, & roasted plantains with fresh onion, cilantro, & tomatoyum!
  1. What is your favorite meal to cook?

Veggie burgers.  We have burger night twice a month, and I have found so many great ways to make them.  The leftovers get broken up over beds of romaine with red onions, brown rice, and avocado – my favorite salad!

  1. Do you live by any piece of advice or motto?

I am blessed and I am grateful.

  1. What was the highlight of your week?

Getting together with a friend I hadn’t seen in months for hours of talking and laughing and sharing plans for travel.

  1. What is your favorite board game?


  1. Have you read any good books lately that you would recommend?

I’m about 100 pages into Braiding Sweetgrass: Indigenous Wisdom, Scientific Knowledge, and the Teachings of Plants by Robin Wall Kimmerer, Distinguished Teaching Professor & Director, Center for Native Peoples and the Environment at SUNY College of Environmental and Science Forestry. I’m enjoying it so much that I’m already considering how I might share its ideas.  The author’s message is erudite with paradigm-changing potential, but her stories of the “old ways” are sweet, gentle, and communicate directly to the heart.  I feel everyone should read it, and its precepts should be taught to young children.

  1. If you could pick one chore that you could snap your fingers and it would magically be done, which chore would you pick?

The “big clean” of our house, which involves a deeper-than-daily cleaning that is done once a week.

Favorite outdoor space of a beloved aunt and uncle in Cocoa, Florida

My Questions

  1. During the pandemic, have you learned of any new places you want to visit?
  2. In what way would you say the pandemic has changed your life the most?
  3. What is your favorite season of the year, and why?
  4. What wild animal do you admire the most?
  5. Do you grow/care for a garden, flowers, or trees?
  6. What is your favorite outdoor space?
  7. Do you have a mindfulness practice?
Dazzling reflection in Yosemite’s High Country

As for nominations, in a world of fantastic bloggers, I hereby nominate the first 7 who tell me in a comment below they’d like to participate. Or, if you’d like to answer one or more of my questions without fully participating, that’s ok too.

Thanks again, Suzanne, for the nomination!  

Dazzling Blessings,


The content of this article is for educational and informational purposes only, and is not intended as medical advice. Please consult with a qualified health care professional before acting on any information presented herein. Any statements about the possible health benefits of any subject discussed have not been evaluated by medical professionals or the Food & Drug Administration and are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease or illness.

86 thoughts on “The Dazzling Blogger Award

  1. Congratulations on the award! It’s truly deserved 😊 Veggie burgers are really amazing my family’s favourite restaurant is a vegan restaurant called the Happiness Cafe and I order a burger everytime we visit [which is quite often 😊]. My sister also just recently made Broccoli burgers and Courgette [zucchini] fritters, it was nice to eat them homemade. Scrabble is great, but it’s sister – Bananagrams – will always be on top for me 😂😊❤

    Liked by 4 people

  2. Many congratulations Lisa 👏 truely deserving for all the amazing inspirations you share through your blog 🏞️🏕️🌄
    And the black beans, rice and roasted plantains looks absolutely yummy 💖

    Liked by 5 people

  3. Congrats! I played a lot of scrabble in 2020. It really can become a bit addicting because it can be so challenging and fun, and it depends who you play with and changes every time. And Veggie Burgers (very nice)!

    Liked by 3 people

    1. Thanks, Benjamin! Agreed! I used to play at a game night with friends quite often. I cannot remember the last time I played any board game, though! Would be fun to get a new group together, since I am now 3000 miles away from the old group! Hope your weekend is filled with laughter! 🌞

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Oh wow. Far away. Yeah, that would be cool. Plus, they got scrabble online and all sorts of ways to play it now. But nothing probably beats playing with a group of friends in person. I hope you’ll play one soon. There are so many these days!

        Liked by 2 people

    1. Thank you, Cindy! Yes, we are ok now, but were in standby evacuation mode for over a week, which was very frightening. We had bags packed & sitting by the garage door ready to throw in our cars if we got the signal. Our monsoons have started, temps have dropped & humidity has increased, all of which has helped the situation. Thank God!! Hopefully the fires in your state are not that close! Happy holiday weekend, my friend! 😘🌞🙏

      Liked by 2 people

      1. Thank God!!!!! WOW.. so scary and can’t really believe it and no one here knew and my heads been in the sand until your post. I am sooooo sorry. Take good care of you and smart you are dialed in.. yeah it’s been a wild ride here. water is low at the lake and so hot and tonight it’s the whole fireworks thing and tomorrow. big hugs.. xo xoxoxoxo 💖💖💖💖

        Liked by 2 people

  4. Congratulations, Lisa. I like your motto/advice and the book you mentioned sounds really interesting. We also enjoy Scrabble, but we haven’t played for some time. Working puzzles was what we got started doing again during the pandemic. Love that last shot, but as it’s of mountains, you probably would have guessed that. 🙂 That outdoor space looks quite relaxing and what a view!


    Liked by 3 people

      1. Air quality is ok. It’s rather hot and humid. I was out washing my van at about 6 am this morning (outside in the shade of the garage) and was completely soaked by the time I finished. Only used two buckets of water though so a win for the environment. 🙂 No big weekend plans but I hope yours is a good one too.

        Liked by 3 people

  5. Congratulations my friend on your nomination for this very prestigious award! You are truly very deserving of the nomination (and, in my opinion, the award itself!). You don’t just “talk the talk”…… you live and breathe each day “walking the walk”. Many Blessings to you always!

    Liked by 1 person

  6. Your answers are so heartwarming to read. Thank you for sharing such honesty. ✨

    I feel drawn to answer two questions:

    3. My favourite season of the year is winter. I love curling up in front of a fire, hot and aromatic beverage in hand, cosy blanket covering my girlfriend and I as we share stories and continue getting to know each other. (We have been getting to know each other just over three months, so there is still much MUCH more to learn.)

    4. The animal I admire the most is the tiger. Courageous enough to live solitary lives much of the time, but knowing when they need others to both continue their tigrish lineage, and to recharge their social batteries. They are also impressively strong, yet only use that strength when absolutely necessary, embracing the gently side of their nature in some situations too. (These are some of the reasons one of the characters I played in a D&D roleplaying game the last few years was a hybrid human-tiger.)

    Thank you again for sharing, and your encouragement for us to share too. 😊

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Hi, Hamish, it’s great to see you! Thank you for your very generous comment! And I appreciate your answering a couple of my questions. The image you’ve created in my mind of your winter is one of warmth and hope. All the best with the new girlfriend! Your words on tigers say a lot about who you are, as well. Thank you for taking the time to share a little of yourself! 🌞

      Liked by 1 person

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