12 Simple Acts to Help Our Current Crisis

View of Big Sur, CA, from inside Julia Pfeiffer State Park

Extinction:  a word normally associated with dinosaurs, certain smaller animal species, and ancient civilizations.  Or, that used to be the case.  Recently, there’s been a lot of speculation on our possible extinction; that is to say, you and me and everyone we love.  Why, you might ask?  Because of our collective irreverence for Nature.  Although much of the problem can be attributed to the greed of the mega-wealthy and shortsighted politicians, we all play a part.  

We are in danger of destroying ourselves by our greed and stupidity. ~Stephen Hawking

What are the factors contributing to our possible extinction?  I’ll share a few big ones.  Landfill areas are expanding and pollution is worsening, in the air, on the ground, and in the water.  Soils are being destroyed by chemicals and unhealthy farming practices.  In addition to the clear-cutting that continues in forests, the remaining trees are catching fire more frequently and burning longer. Oceans are being polluted, over-fished, and the ocean floor raked clean.  In short, Nature is being exploited at an alarming rate that increases every year, leaving humans with less oxygen and more carbon dioxide in the atmosphere which drives global warming.  In fact, the UN Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change warns that we must take drastic measures by the year 2030 to avoid catastrophic levels of global warming.  If not, we could be facing unprecedented drought, flooding, heat, and land loss.  This could result not only in increased personal loss due to natural disasters, but also world-wide food shortages as well as some presently-populated areas becoming uninhabitable.

I never gave much thought to why civilizations ended.  According to an article on the website Live Science, new research suggests Ancient Greece’s collapse was due to a 300-year drought which caused wide-spread famine and conflict. I wonder: prior to the drought, did their population approach the natural world with greed, irreverence, and irresponsibility?

A nation that destroys is soils destroys itself. Forests are the lungs of our land . . . ~Franklin D. Roosevelt

Below is a list of actions for making our situation a little better.  What steps are you taking?

  1. When you go out for groceries or other merchandise, use your own bags.  Plastic bags can break down into microparticles that make their way into our water sources.  You’ve heard about all the plastic being found in the bodies of fish, right? This is a major culprit.
My homemade mushroom broth gets frozen in glass containers.

  1. Buy glass storage containers.  Scientists are not yet sure how long hard plastics take to decompose.  Therefore, each one thrown away may be buried in a landfill forever.  Glass storage containers can last forever, and your food won’t end up leaching harmful plastic chemicals when heated or frozen.
  2. Do more home cooking.  Takeout containers are usually bulky and not environmentally friendly. Not to mention, you control the oil, salt, & spice.
There’s nothing quite like meals made from fresh produce.

  1. Take your own coffee to work.  If only once a week, just think of the stack of 52 coffee house cups & lids you’ll save from a landfill each year.
  2. Purchase items locally, if possible, with little or no packaging.  Online orders require packing materials and boxes for shipping.  Buying processed foods leaves you with cans, bags, and more boxes.  Fresh produce is usually sold at the market without packaging.  Better yet, buy from a farmer’s market or join a CSA. 

  1. Recycle all the items you possibly can.  Take a moment to consider in which receptacle they should go.  At a local airport, I’ve noticed the “trash” sign has been changed to read “landfill;” a great reminder that the stuff we throw away doesn’t just disappear.
  2. Once you finish your current shampoo, laundry detergent & various cleaning supplies, replace them with natural products.  This change means you will no longer use those toxic chemicals on your body or inhale them inside your home, and they won’t be going into the soil and water.

  1. Avoid using anything toxic in your garden or on your flowers.  Roundup, the worst Nature violator in my opinion, is a biocide, not just a pest & weed killer.  It does not discriminate as to what kinds of life it destroys.  The healthy microbes in our guts are not immune to its destruction, which leads to disease of all kinds.  Studies show it also causes birth defects & autism.  

  1. Vote with your dollars by purchasing organic and/or non-GMO foods.  Organic foods use regular seeds grown as Mother Nature intended: in healthier soil, attended by insects, with no harmful chemicals.  Non-GMO foods utilize regular, healthy seeds as well: those that have not been altered in a lab to withstand the Roundup sprayed on them and accompanying weeds.
  2. Don’t purchase water in small bottles.  A great number of single-use plastic bottles don’t get recycled but wind up in landfills or tossed on the ground or into bodies of water.  Invest in a water filtration system if possible.  If not, purchase large bottles that can be filled at a reverse osmosis dispenser, or purchase by the gallon or 2.5 gallon container & refill your personal water bottle as needed.
  3. Compost your food scraps.  Some cities offer a weekly or bi-weekly pick-up service for a small fee.  You may also be able to drop off your scraps at a community garden, where they will be gratefully received.  By composting, thousand of pounds of food scraps avoid the landfill and decompose into natural fertilizer for crops.  A win-win, for sure.
  4. Take your kids on Nature walks, teaching them the value of the natural beauty we are immersed in.  If our species manages to survive a couple more decades, we will need young adults who understand the importance of appreciating and working with Nature as opposed to taking Her for granted.
  5. And now for a less easy step:  If you are moved to act on a larger scale, make your voice heard.  Contact your local, state & federal Representatives;  become active in local politics; check out organizations like The Sierra Club and Farmers Footprint who are always in need of folks willing to sign petitions or contribute financially.

Extinction, a grim possibility now looming over our Planet, is a frightening concept.  Taking action immediately to prevent our species from disappearing is one of our most pressing challenges.  The time is now to express love and concern for Mother Earth.  Our continued existence depends on it.

Anything else you’re interested in is not going to happen if you can’t breathe the air or drink the water. Don’t sit this one out. Do something. ~Carl Sagan

Blessings for a Healthier Planet,


The content of this article is for educational and informational purposes only, and is not intended as medical advice. Please consult with a qualified health care professional before acting on any information presented herein. Any statements about the possible health benefits of any subject discussed have not been evaluated by medical professionals or the Food & Drug Administration and are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease or illness.

79 thoughts on “12 Simple Acts to Help Our Current Crisis

  1. Great post! I’m always excited to read about the the changes other people are making. I normally find new ideas I didn’t consider before. 😀

    I use reusable shopping bags and glass containers, I compost, I shop local as much as possible, I try to find options with zero or minimal packaging, and I avoid single-use items as much as possible.

    Liked by 3 people

  2. Thanks for sharing this message Lisa! It really is scary what we humans have done to our planet with our uncontrolled consumption. I watched David Attenborough’s documentary “A Life On Our Planet” a few months ago and it was eye-opening. We must all do our part, and none of the changes you suggest are all that difficult. Sadly, we’ve become a lazy species who opt for convenience above all else.

    Liked by 3 people

      1. my carbon footprint is 0.7 but it’s been a lifelong mission … I run a course and they are getting used to lights and aircon off … we have sunshine and fresh air! People are claiming they are doing their utmost but frankly I don’t see it 😦

        Liked by 2 people

  3. Thank you for this great post Dear Lisa! I may be a dinnosaur and am on so many levels but I do beleive that posts like yours raise the awareness for our world and the generations to come are going to see us through. However, all of your tips and suggestions are vital for all of us to take heed and do our part!!! Awesome post! Really love this quote:
    A nation that destroys is soils destroys itself. Forests are the lungs of our land, purifying the air and giving fresh strength to our people. ~Franklin D. Roosevelt
    Hopefully, I can copy and paste this to share!! ❤️❤️❤️❤️ xo

    Liked by 2 people

  4. Such great timing (at least as far as my own outrage is concerned). I just finished Silent Spring by Rachel Carson (circa early 1960’s) Horrifying for then, terrifying to think of what we’re doing to our fragile environment, now. Thanks for this post.

    Liked by 2 people

  5. Have you read ‘There is no Planet B’? I’m reading it at the moment and it is blowing my mind. Every day we produce enough food to feed everyone on the planet, and yet people starve because of our selfishness and greed. Thank you for raising awareness of these issues!

    Liked by 2 people

  6. Thank you for writing this blog post, which I found via Boomer Eco Crusader. We need to be educated — and then reminded — about these basic facts (such as the scientific fact that we breathe out what plants breathe in and vice versa) over and over and over again. So many choices we have been raised to take for granted and/or aspire to — such as being able to burn as many fossil fuels as we can afford and/or put on our credit cards in the form of huge houses and cars and travel and vacations to practically anywhere on this wonderful little planet, or being able to buy almost any food at almost any time of the year in (some of) our grocery stores, etc. etc. etc. — are unsustainable. Sadly it has become more and more clear to me that most of us are unable to change (as individuals and as a species) without a huge crisis/catastrophe as catalyst. The truth of what is happening is so terrifying that many of us (understandably, if tragically for our children and grandchildren) remain in denial. Deep breath in. Deep breath out. I also appreciate the comments your blog post inspired. Please keep writing/educating/inspiring us!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Hi, Willedare, and welcome! I appreciate your thoughtful comment & encouragement. You are right; it is a terrifying result of the things so many of us innocently take for granted. But what a sad statement on the human condition that we aren’t motivated enough to do what’s needed to ensure our continued survival! 🌞


  7. This is a great post Lisa! A much needed awakening call for all of us. Whenever we hear of the ice tables breaking, the glacier burst floods like we had in the Himalayas recently or the unexpected snowfall around regions in the USA. And I heard of the first snowfall in many years in Jerusalem and some places in India too. It’s all very worrying, towards where we are headed to. Your list is a great checklist, I have been compositing for free years now, and the reduced waste outflow is very pleasing. We are also transitioning to glass. The pandemic has been good in reducing vehicle pollution in a large way. One more way I find useful is cycling, even though it’s quite challenging on the Indian roads 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Hello, Deb, and thank you for your visit and thoughtful comment. I agree, the pandemic has certainly helped in some ways. Funny to think that this terrible experience may be extending our survival. Thank you for protecting our shared environment! 🌞

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